About me and Cynfully Beautiful

Heelo everyone! This is my first attempt at blogging…ever! Which when you consider the day and age, I’m a wee bit behind the times. But here I am taking a chance and beginning what is to be the next chapter in my life. I have been a teacher forever and one day I woke up and knew that I could not longer be part of a broken system. However, that is a totally different kind of blog! ;0)

About my company:
Cynfully Beautiful is a makeup and skin-care company located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our goal is to enhance the beauty that lies within every single one of our friends and clients! I believe that every client no matter thier station or path in this life deserves to look and feel as beautiful as they truly are. There is no age limit to beauty. My job is to inspire through color, through art and through skin care.

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