Go Bananas! You’ll be glad you did!

The beginning of anyones work week is usually filled with dread and the extensive hitting of the snooze button on our alarms. The day when one feels as if they are going a little well…. bananas at times! Speaking of bananas, below are few masks and scrubs you can try! (My seg ways need work ;0).) Bananas contain vitamin C, which gives skin a great youthful glow as well as anti-oxidants to ward off free radicals that assist in the aging process of the skin.

Banana based Scrubs:

Banana scrubs mixed with a few simple ingredients, not only help exfoliate the skin, but also leave it feeling rejuvenated.

Here are some banana based scrubs that you can make using ingredients that are available in your kitchen:

• Take mashed banana and 1 tbsp. of sugar and mix them well. Apply it on your skin and rub it in circular motions. Banana will moisturize the dry skin while the sugar granules will get rid of the dead skin.

• Mash a ripe banana; add 2-3 tablespoons of oats, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon milk. Apply it on your face in slow circular motions and leave it 5 to 10 minutes, Wash with cold water. In case you have extremely dry skin, you can substitute milk with fresh cream.

• To make a body scrub, mash 2 bananas with 4-5 strawberries using a blender. Mix 3 tablespoons of sugar and use it as a body scrub.

Anti-aging masks:

The nutrients in banana can assist in fighting wrinkles and keeps the skin youthful. For an anti-aging facial mask loaded with vitamins A and E, mash together an avocado and a banana. Leave on skin for 25 minutes and rinse. Skin will be soft and youthful. The vitamins E in avocados combined with the nutrients in bananas fight free radicals and repair damage.

Once again, let me know if you try any of these masks. I would love your feedback. Post your favorites here to share as well!! (Note, if you have any food allergies, make sure that the products you use on your face do not contain anything that may cause more harm than good. Just a friendly reminder. :0)

Stay beautifully unique my wonderful readers!


Bravery or Insanity?

“You’re doing the brave thing….”

Well my friends and readers, I guess this should have probably been the first post to my blog as it would have explained a little bit about me, what I am doing here in cyberspace and so on, and so on. A few dear friends told me that often you may feel like you are only blogging for you. Silently hoping someone is reading what you have to chat on about, nodding their heads in agreement or cursing you out…as long as they are reading it!

Before I decided that I was going to jump into the beauty industry, one of the most competitive industries on the planet I might add, I was a teacher. Well, actually I still am a teacher for three more weeks! Ahhh! The anticipation and the urge to run out the building a setting a few bridges ablaze is killing me man! But no, I shall be taking my leave gracefully to truly do what I have secretly wanted to do since I was 17- makeup.

Teaching, for those of you who aren’t familiar with how it is now, is testing. We test the children so much now a days, that the time to really inspire and promote true learning has dwindled. So after over 10 years in this profession, I am done. “You’re doing the brave thing” I had a fellow colleague tell me.

I wish I felt as brave as everyone thinks I am…..

To start your own business, when you are not 24 (oh, I am sooooo beyond that age! Haha), leave a stable job, benefits, “a normal schedule”, can put you into a bit of a tailspin. A panic mode some days, when you realize, that what you are doing depends on you and you alone. Will it be o.k.? Hmm, I’ve pondered this question a lot these days as my days in my current existence are winding down. Will it be better? Is this the brave thing? Or the crazy thing?

A little of both I suppose. Yet, as I see my students go through nearly 20 different standardized tests a year and watch administrators become more and more corrupt (oh my non-teacher friends, you have no idea how bad it is in many places), I have no other choice but to do this! Insane or not!
We as women, as human beings, have the right to be happy, to find our passion, our joy in life. Mine has and always will be to try even in some small way, encourage people to see their own beauty. If I can enhance what is already there inside of them, it brings happiness to my heart. Something that has been missing in my career choices for a long time, I will not try to make my clients conform to one standard of beauty, because beauty is everywhere and beauty is not to be standardized. I love what I am doing and will throw my entire soul into this.

So my friends, be brave, be bold, find your passion…..as I am certain we have all heard “no one ever made history by playing it safe”.



Can’t afford a spa facial these days? Here’s one to try!

Good evening everyone! Well today was a day of playing around with ingredients. I discovered a facial mask that I really loved.

I had a few mangos sitting around that were on the verge of going bad and I have heard and read in several places how good mango is for your skin. And why wouldn’t it be?

Mango is rich in Vitamin C which brightens skin and the mango pulp also contains high amounts of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that fights premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. Dermatologists use beta-carotene in retailed skin care products to promote cell turnover, and enhance overall skin appearance by increasing skin suppleness.

In addition, the natural fruit enzymes found in mango also help address a variety of common skin problems ranging from healing chapped skin, soothing irritations, to moisturizing and protecting dehydrated sensitive skin from free radical damage. Best of all, it smells delicious!

So to get your skin ready for your facial, start by deeply cleaning your face and then by steaming it over a bowl of hot water for a good 5 minutes or so to open up pores. This helps the skin absorb the nutrients from the mask.

I hope you enjoy this facial as much as I did! Feedback is definitely welcome!

Mango and Yogurt Face Mask

This homemade facial is ultra-soothing, highly nourishing and moisturizing.
½ ripe mango
3 tablespoons plain yogurt


Place mango pulp and yogurt in a food processor or blender, and blend until smooth. Apply on clean face.

Leave the face mask on for 15 minutes. Rinse off thoroughly with lukewarm water. Perfect for people with combination or oily skin.
